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Citrine Challengers: Week One

Check out our Complete Nutrition customers who have agreed to share their Citrine™ journey for the next 21 days. Read and watch how each person has been feeling the first week since beginning Citrine™!





Janae is feeling like she has daylong energy and clear thinking. During her workouts, she now feels like she can push herself a little more thanks to the increased energy levels. (She also only began Citrine™ a couple days ago!) Her biggest struggle is making sure she has the right healthy food choices. Her appetite has increased and she’s trying to be more conscious of what she puts in her body. She considers this a struggle because she doesn’t have the time to plan out her meals or even go to the grocery store frequently. She has three young children at home and her husband gets home after she’s already begun making dinner. Her biggest success this week is seeing a 2-lb weight loss on her home scale in only 2 days! She exclaims, “I never expected that!” She’s now drinking more water and including her daily serving of ‘greens’ with Reclaim® Greens.





Jenn describes how she’s very impressed with how she has been feeling while using Citrine™. She was nervous about feeling shaky or jittery like she had just drank 8 cups of coffee, but she didn’t feel that way at all. The energy increase is gradual with no crash later. Jenn’s biggest success this week has been her eating; she hasn’t had the sugar cravings like usual. Working overnight has been her biggest struggle. With her working overnight, she actually takes Citrine™ differently than suggested. She takes 2 pills when she wakes up at 1pm, but doesn’t take the other dose as she needs to try to sleep at a regular time. Now that she knows how she feels on Citrine™, she’s going to begin planning her runs around her energy peak levels.



Nancy has been using Citrine™ for one week as of January 12th, twice daily! She explains, “I feel great!!” The first few days, she felt so amazing, she thought it was all in her head. After a few more days, she began noticing an improved difference on her eating patterns and energy levels. She finds herself with extra energy at the end of the day than before she began Citrine™. She doesn’t feel the immediate boost with a crash but instead explains it’s consistent energy throughout the day that lingers longer into the day. Nancy’s biggest success this week has been not having sugar cravings! She absolutely loves her chocolate, even if she’s not hungry, so this is helping her control her hunger even more. She has lost weight this week and is tracking all of her movement with her Fitbit. “To summarize week one, feeling positive and successful thus far!” said Nancy.



Did you miss our challengers introductions? Catch up here. Then continue to follow the CN F.U.E.L. Blog to stay updated with their journeys.

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