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Jim Heidenreich: Citrine Week One

Complete Nutrition’s CEO, Jim, is full-force in his Citrine 21 Day Challenge. He’s beginning to increase his training in preparation for running a full marathon in May and his physique competition in June. Learn about how he feels while on Citrine and the struggles he’s been facing with changing his diet and fitness regimen in order to reach his goals.

“I absolutely love Citrine. The product works. It gives me energy, gives me focus, it’s managing my metabolism, and keeping my weight management in line. So I am very very pleased with the product. I take it a few times a day. Probably 4 capsules a day total. It allows me to keep my energy up whether it’s for training or at work.”

Jim is Italian and German, so his biggest struggle so far has been with his diet. He’s been following the 21 day meal plan and has learned that planning his meals the night before really helps with avoiding temptations. He’s committed to this program and believes “once you make a commitment, you can do anything.”

Did you miss Jim’s introduction? Catch up here. Then follow the CN F.U.E.L. Blog to keep up to date with Jim’s journey and many other Complete Nutrition customers who are sharing their experience too.

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