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Will's 4 month transformation

Will's 4 month transformation

My entire life I had always been known as “the chubby kid.” Because of this, high school wasn’t the easiest for me. Then, I began weightlifting for a class at school and enjoyed it a lot. Soon, I was downing whole pizzas, slamming cookies and more, all in the name of “bulking up.” Needless to say I gained muscle, but also fat. As a 17-year-old standing 5’8” and tipping the scales at 250, I decided to stop into my local Complete Nutrition.

Will Transformation

As soon as I walked in the store, I was impressed. They offered a vast array of knowledge and answers to all of my questions. The guys helped me create a meal plan and got me on V-Core and ShredStack. Within four months, I lost over 50 pounds and maintained all of the muscle mass I had previously acquired. Today, I’m shredded, strong, and my life has taken a turn for the better! My confidence and abilities have increased dramatically. I am finally living the healthy life I had always dreamed of. I cannot thank Complete Nutrition enough!

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