The CN Crew is a group of fitness enthusiasts with different hobbies, interests, and lifestyles, but with one common factor: inspiring others to live a healthier lifestyle. Meet some of our CN Crew members below! Think you have what it takes to be one of them? Apply now at to be considered!
McKenna has been interested in living a healthy lifestyle since she was a kid. Her family always enjoyed healthier meals together (spaghetti made from squash is one of McKenna’s favorites). She decided to major in Exercise Science in college and her love for fitness continued to grow. As a model, she has expectations to be in tip-top shape at all times to be ready for photoshoots at any given time. McKenna and her boyfriend workout together about four times per week and cook healthier, on-a-budget meals. Her workout exercises are usually a combination of cardio, bodyweight lifting, and pilates.Taylor is becoming a certified personal trainer. He’s a competitive powerlifter and soon-to-be bodybuilder. He first joined the fitness world while conditioning in high school football. He’s a former offensive lineman and defensive end. He then realized he loved weight training for football more than the actual sport itself. His passion for fitness has continued to grow tremendously into powerlifting and now bodybuilding too.Michael was known as the heavy kid while growing up. Not particularly fat, just out of shape during most of his teen years. He never truly cared about his physical wellbeing until his adult years. He ate and drank his way to a whopping 288 pounds. When he was 23 years old, his brother passed away. This made him realize to not take any day for granted. This is when he started his fitness journey; he started with dieting and losing 20 pounds. Then he began weightlifting. After three months of consistent weightlifting, he was becoming stronger than the guys who helped him in the beginning. He continued to get stronger, researched more and more about fitness, and found out he had a talent for doing the work himself. He also found his talent for inspiring others around him to continue bettering their lives. He’s now enjoying being in shape and helping his fellow gym-goers.Lauren is an NASM certified personal trainer currently studying at Oklahoma State University. She fell in love with fitness after recovering from a severe eating disorder. Her current goal is to help and inspire as many people as possible through her fitness journey.Zach has recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Music Education. He’s now teaching band, chorus, and guitar full-time at a high school. He joined the fitness world during college after struggling with weight all through high school. After his freshman year of college, he decided it was time to make a change. He started doing intense cardio to drop the weight, but found his love and success with weight lifting. Five years later and he’s now a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach! He and his fiancé share a passion for fitness too; they are planning to compete in a physique show together next year shortly after their wedding.