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See John's Transformation

See John's Transformation

John started his transformation in May of 2014. It wasn’t until he reached his heaviest at 260 lbs at almost 40% body fat and started having health issues, that he decided he HAD to do something about it. With the encouragement of a friend, he started to make healthy eating and going to the gym on a regular basis a lifestyle. About 3 months after the start of his journey, Complete Nutrition® Athens opened in August of 2014 and he started to add in supplementation and the CN consultations/body compositions into his weight loss arsenal. He started his supplementation with the basics (multivitamin, protein, CLA, BCAA’s and pre-workout). As a full time student and working a full time job at 22, it was very difficult for him to stay on point with training/diet all the time, so he was always stopping into the store to troubleshoot on a weekly basis. Eventually, John added in the Shred Stack™ to his supplement regimen to help with the overall weight loss in conjunction with a Keto diet. After 2 months of Adrenalize™ and Omega Shreds™, John started seeing more and more results and from then on out he was unstoppable, he was bitten and caught the bug. From there he decided he wanted to start adding on more lean muscle tissue, since he was starting to see more and more definition. John then ran the Terminus™/D-Tren stack while continuing with his other supplements and Omega Shreds™. John’s final weigh in was 170 lbs at 7% body fat.


Products Used:

  • BCAA
  • Annex™
  • V-Core™
  • Truform Multi Men’s
  • D-Tren
  • Terminus™
  • DR1™
  • NX6™
  • Blitzz™
  • Taze-3™
  • Adrenalize™
  • Omega Shreds™
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