Tina Put in the Work to Get Where She Wanted

My name is Tina Jacobs.


When I started my weight loss journey, I weighed over 500 pounds. I am proud to say that with the help of Complete Nutrition®, I have lost over 338 pounds naturally, and my life has changed forever! Today I weigh 162 pounds and am the happiest, healthiest and strongest I have ever been in my entire life! 

I refer Complete Nutrition® to thousands of people who ask me about my weight loss journey. I am a walking-talking-living testament to the effectiveness of Complete Nutrition® products—I believe in them wholeheartedly for weight loss success and they continue to support my healthy life journey.


Looking back I can’t remember how I arrived at such an unhealthy place, but when I weighed 500 lbs I felt depressed, helpless, and without energy. Being that overweight destroyed my self-esteem and confidence, leaving me feeling worthless—I didn’t like the way I looked, I didn’t ever want to go out in public, and I was embarrassed to have my picture taken.

One day I was at the park with my little girl, and I was so heavy that I just had to sit on the bench and watch her play alone. I remember feeling horribly that my weight was keeping me from being active with my children. That day, a sudden change came over me and I made a vow to change my life and habits so I could be alive and healthy to raise my children.


I started changing my eating habits, cut out all beverages except water and began walking short distances each day. I set a goal for myself that I would walk one city block and add a little bit every day. When you weigh over 500 pounds, even small tasks are difficult. Eventually, just from the minor changes I made, weight began to come off, making it easier to accomplish more tasks. Though I couldn’t see the changes physically in my body yet, I could feel the changes when I’d walk—I felt myself beginning to breathe easier. As time progressed, I added more physical activities into my life, such as swimming, and as the weight melted away from living a better, healthier lifestyle, I was able to eventually ride a bike. At some point, I felt that I’d gone as far as I could alone on my health journey, so I decided to look into getting further help.


Looking for advice, I walked into Complete Nutrition Rockford. The consultants were very friendly and supportive, and they assisted me along my entire journey with advice about what I should be eating, how much I should eat, which supplements to take and why, and what kinds of workouts I should be doing to boost my weight loss results. They have a scale that takes many stats on your body, such as water weight, fat weight, body fat percentage, and bone weight. Getting on that scale was very educational and helped me understand what changes where taking place inside my body that I couldn’t see, and it kept me focused. I started by taking the CTS 360 Clinical Kit, and continued with Tone and Tone Clinical, the ReFirm kit, Titan, and V-Core Vantage protein.

For two years, I’ve been going to Complete Nutrition every two weeks to work with my consultants, weigh in, and evaluate my progress. When I would hit a plateau, they would reevaluate our plan and make changes to my eating and supplement plan to help me progress even further toward my goals.

As a mother of 4, all by C-section, and after my natural weight loss of 338 pounds, I decided to have major skin removal surgery to remove the excess skin from my body and arms.  I believe that because of the proper eating plan and supplements from Complete Nutrition, my body and skin healed healthily, my muscles were supported and restored, and now my body is strong and athletic!

My favorite product is V-Core Vantage protein—I drink it every day!

I couldn’t have done it without Jenn and Josh at Complete Nutrition Rockford. I also would like to thank Lance Corporal Branden Ramey k.i.a.—he is a major factor in my entire journey and how it began, and he continues to be a huge inspiration to me. To my personal trainers Lito and Taiwan (both Complete Nutrition® Sponsored Athletes)—thank you!  It’s because of these great people I am here today– healthy, alive, FIT, and still moving forward toward more goals!


Now I’m inspiring and coaching others to make the changes in their lives that they’ve always wanted to make. You can follow my continuing journey on Facebook.

If I can do this, anyone can. You just have to take that first step toward health!

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