Do I Need to Eat a Post-Workout Meal?

Eating shortly after you’ve unlaced your athletic shoes will help your body recover from your workout, leading to increased energy and stronger muscles. While you don’t need a large, sit-down meal...

Best Exercises for Toning Legs

Exercise holds the key to achieving strong, lean legs, and you need to include a variety of exercises in your routine for balanced toning. Although muscle-building exercises increase lean tissue, t...

Tips for the Best Abdonimal Workouts

The best ab exercises depend largely on your goals–if you want to lose fat and get leaner, calorie-burning cardio exercises are key. If you’re already in decent shape but need to tone those tummy m...

Exercises to Tone Your Thighs

Whether you choose to lunge your way to lean legs or take a hint from your inner ballet dancer, a few simple exercises can turn those lumpy legs into shapely gams. But don’t forget that spot reduc...

Exercises to Target Inner Thighs

The inner thighs are an area that many people would like to improve to better their appearance, but the thighs also play an important role in your day-to-day activities. These muscles, known as th...

Exercises to Target the Loss of Love Handles

Although exercise doesn’t directly affect belly fat — spot reduction is a myth — it can help reduce love handles by increasing calorie burning, which helps you lose fat from your entire body. The ...

Exercises That Can Help You Get a Six-Pack

If you want to build enviable abs, plenty of exercise should be on your agenda. However, ab-toning moves can only build bigger abdominal muscles, not burn fat from the area. Creating a visible six...

Five Family Exercise Activities

A healthy, active family is a happy family. Making exercise a family event sets an example for your children that exercise is important and can be fun at the same time. A 1991 Boston University st...

Measure Body Fat with the Caliper Test

Getting lean means losing body fat without losing muscle, but simply standing on a scale won’t provide much information about your progress. There are several methods for measuring body fat. Some ...

How Many Calories Do You Burn in Your Workouts?

Along with boosting your health, exercise increases calorie expenditure to help you lose or maintain weight. While the number of calories burned per session varies with the type of exercise and the...
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